Minorities in Politics
With the support of
In partnership with
Organized by Esther Benbassa, Professor at the Ecole pratique des hautes études (Sorbonne, Paris),
and Katherine Fleming, Professor at New York University and Director of The Remarque Institute in Paris (Department of History, Ecole normale supérieure),
with the collaboration of Jean-Christophe Attias, Professor at the Ecole pratique des hautes études (Sorbonne, Paris).
All the presentations will be simultaneously translated from French to English and from English to French.
All participants have confirmed, except those whose name is followed by *.
Place : Ecole Normale Supérieure, 45 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris, salle Dussane
To read the abstracts (in French), click here
To know more about the speakers (in French), click here
December 11, 2009
Chair : Katherine Fleming (NYU)
09:00 – 09:30
Opening remarks : Yazid Sabeg, commissaire à la Diversité et à l’Égalité des chances
09:30 – 11:00
The Place of Minorities in American Politics
Adam Green (University of Chicago)
Racial Politics in America
John A. Garcia (University of Arizona)
Latinos and the American Political System: Assessing and Identifying Political Influence and Import in the 21st Century
Don T. Nakanishi (UCLA)
The Growing Impact of Asian Pacific Americans on American Politics
Personal testimony
William D. Burns , Deputy Campaign Manager for Obama for Congress 2000, Illinois State Representative
11:00-11:30 : Coffee break
Minority Civil Rights & European Politics
Lionel Arnaud (Université Rennes I)
From the New Citizenship to ‘Urban’ Citizenship: Reinvention or Misappropriation?)
Christophe Bertossi (IFRI)
Citizenship, National Models, and the Crisis of Integration: The New Moral Crusades in France, Great Britain and the Netherlands
Jérôme Valluy (Université Paris I)
From Xenophobic Politics to State Nationalism
Éric Marlière (IDS/CESDIP)
Minorities and ‘Inner-City Youth »: From Resistance to the Conquest of Local Power
Chair : Michel Kokoreff (Université Nancy II)
Diversity in Politics in Europe
Marco Martiniello (FRS-FNRS/CEDEM, Université de Liège)
The Stakes of Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities Representation in Europe: What Lessons Can Be Drawn from the American Experience?
Abdulkader Sinno (Indiana University)
Opportunities and Risks of Western Muslim Representation in Elected Office
Vincent Geisser (IREMAM-CNRS/CIEMI)
The Republican Production of a ‘Muslim Minority’: The French Paradox (1989-2009)
Georges Sidéris (Université Paris-Sorbonne)
Gays in Politics : A Minority from the Margin to Integration
Éric Keslassy (Université Paris VII/ENSTA)
The Place of Minorities in French Politics
17:30-18:00 : Coffee break
Personal testimonies
Christophe Adji Ahoudian, adjoint au maire du XIXe arrondissement de Paris en charge de la jeunesse
Christophe Caresche, député de Paris, responsable diversité au PS
Madi Seydi, conseillère nationale du CDR, porte-parole des jeunes de l’UMP
Félix Wu, candidat indépendant aux élections municipales du XIIIe arrondissement de Paris
Closing Remarks of the day: Hamou Bouakkaz, conseiller de Paris, adjoint au Maire de Paris, chargé de la démocratie locale et de la vie associative
December 12, 2009
Chair : Jean-Christophe Attias (EPHE-Sorbonne)
How Do Minorities Perceive Politics ?
Vincent Tiberj (Sciences Po, Paris)
What the Left Means: The Process of Integration and the Political Alignments of the ‘New French’
Ahmed Boubeker (Université Paul-Verlaine, Metz)
The Heritage of Political Struggles of Maghrebi Immigration
Personal testimonies
Leyla Arslan, conseillère déléguée à la mairie de l’Île-Saint-Denis (93)
Fayçal Douhane, président de l’association La France est en nous et membre du Conseil national du PS
Mam’s Yaffa, candidat indépendant aux élections législatives du XVIIIe arrondissement de Paris
11:15-11:45 : Coffee break
Minority Women in Politics
Kerry L. Haynie (Duke University)
No Longer Invisible, but Still in the Shadows: African American Women in American Politics
Nacira Guénif-Souilamas (EHESS/Université Paris XIII)
Invisible Politics of Minorities: The Spoken and Unspoken on Gender, Ethnicity and Race in France
Personal testimonies
Aminata Boune, déléguée départementale à l’éducation au sein du groupe UMP
Fadila Mehal, présidente des Mariannes de la diversité
Chair : Esther Benbassa (EPHE-Sorbonne)
Obama’s Election : Can the American Model Be Transposed in France ?
James Cohen (Université Paris VIII)
Ethnoracial Minorities in French and American Politics: Can the Two Histories Be Compared?
Rahsaan Maxwell (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Positively Diverse Developments: General Trends for Non-White Immigrants in British Politics Since 1945
16:30-17:00 : Pause café
Conclusions : How to Accomplish Better Representation of Minorities in French Politics ?
Lynda Asmani, conseillère UMP de Paris
Emir Deniz, membre du conseil national du Parti socialiste et conseiller municipal de la ville d’Hagondage (57)
Lucien Fontaine, maire-adjoint d’Amiens (80)
George Pau-Langevin, députée PS de Paris
Laurence Méhaignerie, co-auteur du rapport » Les oubliés de l’égalité des chances «
Claire Villiers, vice-présidente du Conseil régional d’Île-de-France
Closing Remarks : Christiane Taubira, députée de Guyane
20h : Concert of chaâbi music (« Algerian blues ») with Hafidh Djemai and his orchestra